I currently work as a post-doctoral researcher in the EU Horizon project PLEDGE at IPU Berlin, which explores the role of emotional mechanisms in grievance politics. Additionally, I am a PhD candidate for Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin. With a strong theoretical grounding in Sociology of Emotions, my PhD project is a broad inquiry into political emotions, investigating the relationship between emotions and political mobilization, particularly in the context of right-wing populism, conspiracy theories, and civic engagement. Further research topics and interests of mine include emotions and social inequalities, as well as media and misinformation.
Journal articles
Wunderlich, P., Nguyen, C., & von Scheve, C. (2022). Angry populists or concerned citizens? How linguistic emotion ascriptions shape affective, cognitive, and behavioural responses to political outgroups. Cognition and Emotion, 0(0), 1–15.
Talks and conferences
Wunderlich, P. (2023). Do you feel the same? The effects of emotional alignment on the mobilization of volunteers during COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. ASA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
Wunderlich, P. (2023). Do you feel the same? The effects of emotional alignment on the mobilization of volunteers during COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. CERE Consortium for European Research on Emotion, Haifa.
Wunderlich, P., & von Scheve, C. (2022, July). Congruent emotional responses to external events as facilitators of collective action [Workshop presentation]. Workshop "Frontiers in Civil Society Research” - Center for Civil Society Research, Berlin.
Wunderlich, P., & von Scheve, C. (2022). Congruent emotional responses to external events as facilitators of collective action [Presentation]. Workshop Collective Action and Institutional Affect at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
Wunderlich, P. (2020). Zur Untersuchung affektiver Dynamiken in politischen Interaktionsritualen [Conference presentation / ad-hoc group]. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie: Kongress, Berlin.
Wunderlich, P. (2019, April 15). Social Sharing of Political Emotions in Online Populist Communication [Conference presentation]. Inaugural Conference on Right-Wing Studies, Berkeley.
Wunderlich, P. (2019). Social Sharing of Political Emotions in Online Networks in the Context of Populism [Conference presentation]. ISRE - Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotion, Amsterdam.
Wunderlich, P. (2019). Social Sharing of Emotions in Populist Online Communication [Conference presentation]. 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester.
Wunderlich, P. (2019). Social Sharing of Emotions in Populist Online Communication [Conference presentation]. 114th ASA Annual Meeting, ASA Section Session Sociology of Emotions, New York.
M.A. Sociology @Freie Universität Berlin:
- Graduate Course: “Emotions and Social Stratification”
(Summer 2023) - Graduate Course: “Political Emotions”
(Winter 2022/23) - Advanced Seminar: “Sociology of Conspiracy Theories”
(Summer 2022, Winter 2022/23, Summer 2023) - Advanced Seminar: “Solidarity, Conflict and Emotions”
(Winter 2021/22, Winter 2020/21) - Graduate Course: “Introduction to data analysis using STATA”
(Winter 2019/20 & Summer 2020) - Advanced Seminar: “Emotion and social conflict”
(Summer 2019 & Winter 2019/20) - Graduate Course: “Regression analysis with R”
(Summer 2019)